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Why did you choose to enter this work?
These prints were fascinating to research, fun to design, a joy to carve, and are exactly the sort of work I want to do more of, so they felt perfect for entering to WIA.
What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
When people see the prints in real life, they talk about them the way I hoped they would – they're drawn in by the composition, and then they start noticing all the different creatures and plants, poi
What excites you most about being shortlisted?
It's a great feeling to receive industry recognition for work of which I'm so proud. A couple of years ago, I returned to full-time freelancing after a decade teaching illustration at university. It w
Where do you usually work?
I work from my home studio. It doubles as our spare bedroom when I clear all my stuff off the sofa bed, so I haven't got room for a press (all my work is hand-burnished), but I've got a big window loo
How long did it take to complete your project?
Each individual piece probably only took a couple of weeks from start to finish, including research, planning, sketching, cutting and printing, but there was probably around 6 months between me starti
What is your dream commission?
I loved working with the Bumblebee Conservation Society a few years ago, and it would be great to do more jobs like that, with organisations that are working with, and for, nature. I'd love to work wi
What’s your favourite thing to draw?
I'm always drawn to things that create movement on the page, so birds, bees, butterflies and anything that flies appears a lot, as well as branches, waves, hills, plants and fish!
What is your best tip for other illustrators?
It sounds so cliched, but my best advice is to create work you love, for the fun of it - don't try to force yourself into current fashions, or get distracted by what other people are doing. Be yoursel
What are your plans for the future?
I love illustrating, but it can be lonely as everything is done remotely, so I've been getting more involved with my local art scene and, this year, I set up an arts trail with two friends. We had an
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